Tuesday 18 July 2017

10 Annoying Things Which Are Said To Someone With Autism

Image result for autism

 1. So what is it like being Autistic ?

( Because clearly someone with Autism just woke up one day and decided they are going to be Autistic for that day ? ) 

2. You look" normal " , you don't look like you have Autism.

( What is a person with Autism suppose to look like? )  

3. When someone is introducing you to someone and says " Oh she is Autistic so she wont speak very much. 

( Really? Don't even say my name first or say who I am ) 

4. You must be really good at Maths. 

( Not everyone with Autism is a mini Albert Einstein ) 

5. You can have sex right? 

( This is one of the most stupidest comments I have heard , Autism does not affect the capability of  your lady or man parts having sex with someone , however the communication skills of psychically meeting someone to have sex is a completely different story. ) 

6. " My friend's sister is autistic , you seem nothing like her." 

( Not everyone with Autism is the same! We are our own person and we all have different traits .) 

7. " Why aren't you looking at me when I am talking to you?"

( Did you know that for someone with Autism that eye contact can be very difficult and can actually sometimes be psychically painful for a person like myself who is more sensitive with sight .) 

8. Can you work? People automatically think you are incapable of being able to work or hold onto a job. 

( Many people with Autism can work , however there isn't always enough support for those with autism in employment.)

9. Do you have feelings? 

( Of course we have bloody feelings , just because we find it harder to express ourselves doesn't mean we don't have feelings.)

10. But you are not a child , how can you have Autism? 

( Because we clearly have been an adult all our lives...) 

Love Ava


Thursday 29 June 2017


Hello everyone , its been about 6 months since I posted on my mental health blog ,if you are someone who regularly read my blog I apologize for the none existence posts over the last 6 months. 
    Truth be told I haven't had time to blog , being a mummy to a 1 year old takes up a lot of time but now Daisie-Mae is getting more settled into a routine I am able to sit down once in awhile for 10 minutes or so. 
    Over the passed couple of months haven't been easy and my anxiety is worse than ever and most days I feel like I cant breathe. Planning a wedding , being cheated on , cancelling a wedding , my mum losing her job and coming to terms with being " disabled " I know as her only child it is my role now to help take care of her but I am worried I wont be good enough and will feel useless to help her needs , being accused of something that wasn't true and been reported to social services , death in the family , my daughter constantly being in pain with her tummy due to constant constipation with several trips to the doctors and A&E and still been in pain from birth from over a year ago because my lady part  stitches healed to tight which causes pain going to the toilet and intimate pain.
Lets just say I have had my hands full. 

     If anyone suffers from anxiety you will know understand what I mean when I say you don't know how to control it. Over the past couple of months my anxiety has increased and become worse. I feel like I can't breathe , I feel like someone is choking me constantly and I become scared that I am going to stop breathing. 
My anxiety attacks can happen at any time of the day but happen regularly during the night while I am in bed and I start shaking and become cold , I end up waking up and disturbing my partner because I cant calm myself and become tearful , my chest starts hurting and I feel like I am having a heart attack , I feel dizzy and faint and start screaming phone an ambulance because I become fearful. Anxiety mimics the symptoms of a heart attack so it becomes hard to recognize when you need medical help and when you can't calm yourself you don't know what to do. I am scared of being alone and I feel like I am becoming a burden to those around me and feel like everyone is better off without me , but I have to keep going for my daughter. I am fed up of constantly feeling in pain having body aches and pains , feeling like I am not in control of my body . I haven't been on anxiety tablets for two years and I am really trying my hardest not to go back on them as I suffered with side effects with them such as feeling sick , migraines and headaches. I am at a loss at the moment and feel fearful of my anxiety. I have always been able to help decrease my symptoms in the past , but recently I feel like I cant help myself or do not know what to do anymore.

Anxiety is something I have had since I was 9 years old or at least that is when I was diagnosed with anxiety. During the past year I have experienced different symptoms to anxiety which is very new to me and is scary to experience which makes me feel less in-control of myself  because I cant always predict when an anxiety attack will occur , previously I could recognize symptoms to get myself out of the situation that was making me anxious , where as now my attacks can happen spontaneously and sometimes I dont even know why I am anxious. 

I wish there was a magic wand that could make anxiety disappear  but there isn't. I am sure many of you who suffer with anxiety understand how I feel , anxiety is a lot more common than people think and it is important that it is talked about its something people all ages and all genders deal with and no matter how scary it is , it needs to be talked about to help each other. 



Tuesday 11 October 2016

Feed The Homeless For Winter! PLEASE HELP

Hello everybody :) this winter my fiance Alex and I are going to be giving  special food and gift boxes to those who are homeless and living on the streets of Manchester City Centre. On the 17th of December we will be going around Manchester morning to afternoon to feed the homeless and offer them gifts. Winter is the coldest time of year and people need food and hot drinks to stay warm.  Alex and I would like to help as many homeless people as we can this winter , we would really appreciate as many donations as possible to be able to create as many food/gift boxes as we can. 

Our goal is too raise £300 by the 10th of December 

We would be very greatful for any donations you give

Every little bit helps! 

Thank you very much xo 

Ava & Alex


Make a donation to this cause : 

Wednesday 11 May 2016

How To Help Support Individuals With Autism Daily Routines

Every individual with autism has their own daily routine to help them live their everyday life , just like a neurotypical (individual's without autism) do to. Although a neurotypical individual's routine is not as extreme as an individual with autism , it is important to help support an individual with autism's routine. Supporting an individual can help the person with autism to achieve their goals , targets and help them live a normal life as possible.

Visual Supports :  Visual supports can be a very useful way to help individuals with autism , as they might find visual supports easier to understand and communicate with. It is important to consider an individual's communication preference in order to support the individual with autism . Not every individual with autism will need visual supports ,but for individuals who do may include the follow :

. Photos 

. Pictures 
. Symbols
. Real Objects 
. Calendars 

Colour Coding : Another way to help support an individual with autism's routine is colour coding , this may help the individual understand what tasks and responsibilities are compulsory to carry out and which are moderate. 

For example :
Red - Urgent
Yellow - Pending
Green - No rush 
This will help keep a structure and routine for the individual with autism in order for them to carry out their daily routines. 


Lists :  Many individuals without autism often use lists to remind themselves of things they need to do. This also can help individuals with autism to help organise and prioritise things they need to do. Lists can be written or they can be visual by using pictures or symbols. Individuals with autism need structure and creating lists can help provide reassurance for them to see their achievements.

For example : 


Electrical Equipment : Computers and mobile phones may be a useful way to help support an individual with autism as you can store information and set reminders on electrical equipment. 

For example :

-  Storing important information such as dates and times for social events , meetings , appointments and special occasions.

- Setting reminders relating to paying bills ( adults with autism ) 

- Texting an individual with a reminder to do something.


Task boxes , envelopes and files : Work and tasks can be sorted into set places such as task boxes , envelopes and files to help make sure the individual with autism does not misplace important information such as bills , letters and appointment cards and reminders. 


Social stories and comic strip conversations : For individuals with autism who struggle with verbal communication may find social stories and comic strip conversations easier to understand and can help their daily routine. 



Teaching materials for time and sequence : Teaching materials can include things such as sequence cards , games , timers and clocks can be used to help support an individual with autism daily routine. This can help the individual understand concept of time and schedules. Teaching materials can be used for a variety of different scenarios and tasks.
For example : 
- Completing everyday tasks around the home environment.
- Helping complete tasks in a working environment. 
- Learning activities in education.
- Planning meetings , appointments and social events and occasions.
- To help in travelling and using transport.


Household tasks : When it comes household tasks helping to provide a schedule , calender or rota for an individual with autism can help support them to have a structured routine each day.
For example :
Monday - Do the washing , drying , ironing and put away in wardrobes.
Tuesday - Doctors appointment at 2pm , post mail at the post office and prepare tea.
Wednesday - organise bills , clean bathroom and kitchen.

  Instagram - xovintagewayoflifexo

Twitter - V_wayoflifexo
Facebook - Ava Clarice Hornby
Facebook Page - https://www.facebook.com/theinnervoiceandasoulwithstrength/
Vintage/ Pinup Fashion Blog - http://xovintagewayoflifexo.blogspot.co.uk/

Love Ava 

Monday 2 May 2016

The Day-To-Day Difficulties That An Individual With A Mental Health Problem/ Condition Will Face

Many people who do not have a mental health problem/ condition or an understanding of the topic, often have an unintentional ignorance of understanding how difficult day-to-day life can be and how demanding and stressful life can be for an individual with a mental health problem. 
Every individual with a mental health problem day-to-day difficulties will differ, not every person will experience the same difficulties as each other, but will have an understanding of how hard others may find it due to the struggles they experience themselves. 

Day - To - Day Difficulties 

Coping With Day-To-Day Activities -  
Depending on the extent of the individuals illness ,individuals may experience struggling with preparing meals , getting dressed , personal hygiene , cleaning the house , looking after children and following a routine / schedule. 

Coping Financially -
People suffering with a mental health problem/condition may find their finances difficult to cope with. Individuals may struggle with budgeting, planning and keeping track of bills and payments. 

Mental health problems/conditions can effect an individuals employment opportunities. A person with mental health problems may find it difficult to communicate and engage within the working environment. Deadlines and managing their work may be struggling for the individual due to the stresses of their mental health condition.  

Mental health conditions can affect a person's self-esteem and how they view themselves. Self-hate and anger towards themselves can often lead the individual into a depressive state of mind and could increase further mental health problems. 

Like employment a person's education could be affect if suffering with a mental health problem , due to their social and communication abilities. The individual may isolate themselves from others around and find it difficult to concentrate on there education.   

Mental health problems/conditions can have a negative impact on the sufferers relationships. The individual can often isolate themselves from loved ones and lack communication. This could cause stresses for others around including the sufferer. 

It is common that individuals with mental health problems/conditions have difficult sleeping due to their anxieties and stresses they face. Lack of sleep can often lead to sleeping disorders because of being trapped in a routine of having lack of sleep. 

Individuals with a mental health problem/condition are more likely to have dysfunctional eating habits , whether it is over eating due to feeling comfort from food or starving themselves due to having a lack of appetite. Both could lead to eating disorders and become very unhealthy for the individual.   

Psychical Health 
A person psychical health could also be affected because of the pressure and stress the sufferers mental health condition can cause. For example somebody who sufferers with serve anxiety could lead the individual to have blood pressure problems. 

Instagram - xovintagewayoflifexo
Twitter - V_wayoflifexo
Facebook - Ava Clarice Hornby
Facebook Page - https://www.facebook.com/theinnervoiceandasoulwithstrength/
Vintage/ Pinup Fashion Blog - http://xovintagewayoflifexo.blogspot.co.uk/

Love Ava 

Sunday 17 April 2016

Understanding Vitamins And Mineral's Properties And Uses ( Micronutrients )

Hello everybody!:) I hope everyone is well and are having a lovely week. Today's blog post topic is based more on general health , rather than mental health. I thought maybe some of my readers would enjoy reading about diet and nutrition. A couple of years ago I studied diet and nutrition and have a qualification in the subject , I thought it would be useful to share with my readers about the knowledge I know about " Vitamins And Mineral's Properties And Uses " and how they are needed within the human body. 


Vitamins are natural compounds that help the human body function properly and are divided into two categories of vitamins. One category is " fat soluble " containing vitamins A , D , E and K which can be stored within the body. The other category is " water soluble " which includes vitamins B and C and can be dissolved in water, meaning it can not be stored within the body. 

Vitamin A 

Foods That Include Vitamin A -  Milk , Fortified Cereals , Carrots , Sweet Potatoes And Tropical Fruits.

Uses/ Needed For -  A Healthy Immune System 

Problems Associated -  Poor Vision 

Vitamin B 

Foods That Include Vitamin B -  Carrots , Sweet Potatoes , Bread , Eggs , Fish And Wheat.

Uses / Needed For -  Red Blood Cells , Nerve Cell Function And Energy. 

Problems Associated -  Confusion , Fatigue / Anaemia And Poor Concentration. 

Vitamin  C

Foods That Include Vitamin C -  Citrus Fruits , Berries , Kiwi , Spinach , Tomatoes , Peas And Papaya.

Uses / Needed For-  Wound Healing , Forms Collagen And Prevents Scurvy. 

Problems Associated-  Poor Wound Healing Tiredness.

Vitamin D

Foods That Include Vitamin D -  Egg Yolk , Salmon , Milk , Cheese , Tuna And Beef. 

Uses / Needed For -  Helps The Body Absorbs Calcium And Regulates Blood Pressure. 

Problems Associated -  Unhealthy Teeth , High Blood Pressure And Pressure. 

Vitamin E

Foods That Include Vitamin E -  Vegetable Oils, Green Leafy Vegetables , Whole Grains , Nuts And Seeds.

Uses / Needed For -  It is An Antioxidant Which Protects Against Cell Damage And Is Needed For Red Blood Cells.

Problems Associated -  Weak Muscles , Digestive Problems , Tingling In Hands And Feet. 

Vitamin K 

Foods That Include Vitamin K -  Green Leafy Vegetables And Cereals.

Uses / Needed For -  Preventing Blood Clotting , Healthy Bones And Healthy Blood Vessels.

Problems Associated -  Poor Wound Healing And Bruising Easily. 


Minerals are also categorised into two categories "Macro-Minerals " And " Trace Minerals." Depending on the individual's body determines which kind of mineral they will need. " Macro - Minerals " include calcium , magnesium , phosphorus and sodium which are often required to take in large quantities. " Trace Minerals" include iron , zinc and fluoride and are required to take in small amounts.


Foods That Include Calcium -  Milk , Cheese , Yoghurt , Salmon And Broccoli. 

Uses / Needed For -  Strong Bones , Teeth And A Healthy Immune System. 

Problems Associated-  Osteoporosis ( Brittle Bones )


Foods That Include Iron -  Red Meat , Green Leafy Vegetables And Fortified Cereals. 

Uses/Needed For -  Healthy Blood , Oxygen Transportation In The Body And White Blood Cell Production. 

Problems Associated -  Anaemia ,Tiredness And Difficultly Concentrating. 


Foods That Include Magnesium -  Whole Grain Bread , Potatoes , Banana And Chocolate. 

Uses/Needed For - Bones , Teeth And Muscles , Control Of Blood Pressure Heart Regulation. 

Problems Associated-  Muscle Spasms , High Blood Pressure And Heart Disease. 


Foods That Include Phosphorus -  Dairy , Meat And Fish. 

Uses/Needed For -  Bones And Teeth Energy. 

Problems Associated -  Weak Bones And Low Energy Levels.


Foods That Include Zinc -  Water , Cereal And Red Meat. 

Uses/Needed For -   Healthy Immune System And Healthy Skin. 

Problems Associated-  Poor Wound Healing And Skin Problems. 


Foods That Include Potassium -  Bananas , Strawberries , Potatoes , Green Leafy Vegetables. 

Uses/Needed For -  Nerve Impulses And Heart Regulation. 

Problems Associated -  Muscle Weakness , Irregular Heartbeat And Water Retention.


Foods That Include Sodium -  Bacon , Ham , Salami , Stock Cubes And Bread. 

Uses/Needed For -  Nerve Impulses And Heart Regulation. 

Problems Associated -  Nausea , Vomiting And Muscle Cramps.

Each individual needs different kinds of vitamins and minerals in their body to survive , however the quantity differs with each individual depending on their age , gender , medical history and level of activity. For example , an individual who has anaemia will be required to take more iron in their diet than someone who does not have anaemia. Having the right amount of vitamins and minerals is essential for the human body to function properly.

( Thank you for reading :D ) 

Instagram - xovintagewayoflifexo
Twitter - V_wayoflifexo
Facebook - Ava Clarice Hornby 
Facebook Page - https://www.facebook.com/theinnervoiceandasoulwithstrength/

Love Ava