Many people who do not have a mental health problem/ condition or an understanding of the topic, often have an unintentional ignorance of understanding how difficult day-to-day life can be and how demanding and stressful life can be for an individual with a mental health problem.
Every individual with a mental health problem day-to-day difficulties will differ, not every person will experience the same difficulties as each other, but will have an understanding of how hard others may find it due to the struggles they experience themselves.
Day - To - Day Difficulties

Coping With Day-To-Day Activities -
Depending on the extent of the individuals illness ,individuals may experience struggling with preparing meals , getting dressed , personal hygiene , cleaning the house , looking after children and following a routine / schedule.

Coping Financially -
People suffering with a mental health problem/condition may find their finances difficult to cope with. Individuals may struggle with budgeting, planning and keeping track of bills and payments.

Mental health problems/conditions can effect an individuals employment opportunities. A person with mental health problems may find it difficult to communicate and engage within the working environment. Deadlines and managing their work may be struggling for the individual due to the stresses of their mental health condition.

Mental health conditions can affect a person's self-esteem and how they view themselves. Self-hate and anger towards themselves can often lead the individual into a depressive state of mind and could increase further mental health problems.

Like employment a person's education could be affect if suffering with a mental health problem , due to their social and communication abilities. The individual may isolate themselves from others around and find it difficult to concentrate on there education.

Mental health problems/conditions can have a negative impact on the sufferers relationships. The individual can often isolate themselves from loved ones and lack communication. This could cause stresses for others around including the sufferer.

It is common that individuals with mental health problems/conditions have difficult sleeping due to their anxieties and stresses they face. Lack of sleep can often lead to sleeping disorders because of being trapped in a routine of having lack of sleep.

Individuals with a mental health problem/condition are more likely to have dysfunctional eating habits , whether it is over eating due to feeling comfort from food or starving themselves due to having a lack of appetite. Both could lead to eating disorders and become very unhealthy for the individual.

Psychical Health
A person psychical health could also be affected because of the pressure and stress the sufferers mental health condition can cause. For example somebody who sufferers with serve anxiety could lead the individual to have blood pressure problems.

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