Showing posts with label hep. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hep. Show all posts

Tuesday 14 July 2015

Understanding Overall Mental Health And The Impact It May Have On A Person

Mental Health relates to how an individual copes with daily life and how they are able to function. There are two different types of mental health which often people misinterpret. People often mistake the term " Mental Health" as  a mental illness or condition in the mind , when actually Mental Health refers to a person's overall Mental Health, well-being  and if they are mentally healthy enough to cope with the pressures of daily life and be able to involve themselves in society. This is known as "Positive Mental Health". A individual with an illness or condition in the mind which prevents them from being able to function and cope with daily life is known as " Mental Ill- Health ." Mental Ill- Health covers a wide range of illnesses and conditions within the mind and how a person thinks , it does not just relate to  one  significant condition.   

Positive Mental Health 

. Positive Mental Health includes a person ability to cope with the demands and pressures of daily life. This includes the individuals capability of being able to cope with stress and difficult situations and circumstances.

. Being able to function in the community and society and being able to maintain relationships within society  is also apart of  Positive Mental Health.

. An individual having a healthy perception is an essential part of Positive Mental Health. It is important that a person is able to make sense of every day life and daily events that surround the individual.  

. Being emotional healthy is another important of  Positive Mental Health. Such as having an understanding and the ability to be able to express emotions and feelings.

. Healthy thinking is another part of Positive Mental Health. A person needs to have the capability to think clearly and be able to solve problems and make decisions for themselves to function properly.  

Elements That Can Affect And Impact On An Individuals " Positive Mental Health"

. Genes may be one possible component that could affect a person's Positive Mental Health. If a close family member or if there is a history of mental - ill health in the individuals ancestry , it is possible that a individual may inherit the same or similar mental health illness or condition. Such as schizophrenia , depression , anxiety , bipolar or personality disorder and eating disorders. 

. Another possible element that could affect a person's Positive Mental Health is the individuals childhood experiences. A person's upbringing and early experiences in life could impact on the individual mentally , emotionally and psychically  later in life. Positive environments can help a person to have good mental health and prevent mental ill-health, however negative environments could increase the risk of the individual having a mental health condition or illness. 

. Life events could also affect an individuals Positive Mental Health. Things such as , childhood , relationships , education, work life and social life could all influence the way a person reacts to different issues , problems or life events. 

. Social support and networks may have a positive affect on a person. When a person is vulnerable it is important that they have support around to help maintain Positive Mental Health , this support includes family , friends and a persons local community which can provide interaction and support. If a person does not have support it could increase the risk of an individual developing a mental health illness or condition. 

. A person's Positive Mental Health can depend entirely on the individual's own ability to cope. It is important for an individual to have coping strategies to help them cope with daily life and  face problems they may encounter. A person's capability will depend upon their resilience to previous experiences and life events.  

. An individuals lifestyle could also be an element which could affect a person's Positive Mental Health. Having a healthy diet and participating in regular exercise is very important for a person to maintain Positive Mental Health.

. It is key that a person makes sure they balance employment. Although employment may give an individual enjoyment and a sense of self-worth , being able to balance their work load is important to prevent unneeded stress and pressure. The stress and pressure could impact on a person's mental ability to cope.

.   Financial security and housing could also affect an individuals Positive Mental Health. Being aware of finances is essential for a person , so they are able to provide for themselves and have stability. 

Risk Factors That Could Lead To An Individual Developing A Mental Health Problem.   

. Individual risk factors which may include an individuals low self esteem , insecurity and lack of confidence could possibly put them at risk of developing a mental health problem. A person's lifestyle choice such as, diet , smoking or drinking may also be a factor of an individual developing a mental health problem. 

. Risk factors associated within an individuals family may include , violence , psychiatric disorder , neglect , divorce , family breakdown and unemployment which could cause an individual to develop a mental health disorder or illness. 

. Social factors may include being isolated from family , friends , the local community and the rest of society. Being disconnected from others could increase the risk of a person developing a mental health illness or condition. 

. Risk factors associated with education may include things such as bullying , lack of friends , struggling with school work could impact on an individual later in life. This could possibly lead to developing an mental health illness.

. Risk factors associated with life events such as unemployment , homelessness , bereavement , abuse , psychical illness and traumatic experiences could all lead to a person to developing a mental health problem. 

Common Mental  Ill - Health Problems 

. Depression

. Anxiety 

. Obsessive - Compulsive Disorder ( OCD)

. Phobias 

. Schizophrenia 

Bipolar Disorder 

. Eating Disorders 

Daily Difficulties That An Individual With A Mental Health Problem May Face

. Daily actives such as preparing meals , getting dressed , personal hygiene , cleaning the house and looking after their children may be challenging for a person suffering with a mental health problem.

. Finances may be a struggle to keep track off , paying bills may be stress for the individual who is suffering with a mental health problem.

. Employment may be difficult for a person with a mental health problem . The individual may find it hard to communicate with other co-workers and engage in activities in the work place. 

. A person's sleeping pattern could possibly affect if they are suffering with a mental health problem 

. Eating habits could also be affect , lack of appetite or over eating could occur. 

.  Relationships which may include , family , friends , romantic relationships , co-workers or members of the local community , could be hugely affected. An individual with a mental health problem could possibly become disconnected and isolated from others. 

.  Self image is also a possible difficulty that a person may face. Negative views and self hatred about themselves could be something an individual experiences.  

. Somebody who is suffering with a mental health problem physical health can also be affect.  For example someone who suffers with anxiety or stress may get rapid high blood pressure or stomach ulcers.

How A Person With A Mental Health Problem May Feel

. Depressed 

. Low Self Esteem 

. Stressed

. Lonely

. Selfish 

. Suicidal

. Angry

. Hopeless

. Tired

. Sadness

. Anxious

. No self worth 

. Paranoid 

. Tearful

. Self hatred

. Confusion 

For more information on this topic see the helpful websites below! :)


Instagram - xovintagewayoflifexo
Twitter - V_wayoflifexo
Facebook - Ava Clarice Hornby

Love Ava 

Saturday 11 July 2015

10 Ways To Stay Positive During Stressful Times

1. Make somebody smile by doing something nice for them. It could even be something as simple as , making a cup of tea for a family member , surprise a friend or family member with some flowers or chocolates , hold a door open for a stranger when out shopping etc or even giving someone a nice compliment about there outfit or appearance. Making another person smile could help an individual feel good about themselves for having a positive impact on another person. 

2. During stressful times it is important for a person to participate in some kind of exercise. Exercise does not have to be a high intense work out , exercise can include going for a walk down to the shop , riding a bike , yoga or pilates , aerobics , hula hooping or even swimming. Exercise helps improve a persons mood because when an individual exercise's their body releases chemicals called endorphins also known as the " Happy Hormones"  which trigger a more positive upbeat feeling.

3. Keeping a journal or diary is a good way to express your thoughts and feelings on paper. Writing things down may help an individual to feel a little more relaxed and that a weight has been lifted from there shoulders. Some people may find writing therapeutic.

4. Communication is important for an individual during stressful times. Being able to talk to friends , family or loved ones for support and being able talk about your difficult time could be helpful for an individual . Family , friends and loved ones may help decrease the stress and worry a person may feel  burdened with at that time.

5. Relax your mind! There are many ways to relax your mind , one way to relax your mind is listening to calm soothing music. Another way is to take a long hot bubbly bath with lavender salts. Reading a book or listening to a meditation or breathing exercise tape may also be relaxing for an individual.  

6. Taking your mind of what is making you stressed out by taking up a hobby or activity. A hobby or activity could include photography , baking , card making or arts and crafts , walking , swimming , tennis , bike riding , jigsaws or puzzles or even knitting. 

7. Every individual experiences a stressful time during a period in there life . No matter how stressful the situation or circumstance may be it is important to keep a positive mind set throughout that period. For example think about the things you are most grateful for , which others may not be so lucky. Such as "I am grateful that I have a roof over my head and a bed to sleep in tonight" or " " I am grateful that I have a choice of what to eat for breakfast tomorrow morning." 
No matter how stressful times may seem , there will always be someone in the world who has it 100 times tougher than you. Just remember the positives that surround you during that stressful stage.

8. Surrounding yourself with laughter! Being around people who spread joy and laughter can help a person's mood to improve and be more positive. This could include being with family , friends or loved ones , watching a comedy film or programme , or even going to a theatre to watch a comedian or a pantomime. 

9. Identify what is making you stressed out , confront it and then change it. Avoiding the situation or circumstance will not fix anything , in fact it could increase the chance of further stress. 

10. Making sure you have a healthy diet. Eating unhealthy foods such as crisps , sweets , pizzas or fizzy pop could have a negative impact on a person and there mood. If you are an individual under stress it is best to stay clear of any kind of unhealthy and high sugared foods as it could increase further stress and negativity for an individual.     

Instagram - xovintagewayoflifexo
Twitter - V_wayoflifexo
Facebook - Ava Clarice Hornby

Love Ava

Thursday 2 July 2015

Understanding Depression And Knowing The Difference Between " Low Mood And Depression"

Although each person experiences feeling low during difficult times in their life , which is a natural part of life , feeling low is completely different from feeling depressed.  " Feeling Low" or having a low mood is a short term temporary feelings of sadness , frustration and stress. Depression includes more than just feelings of unhappiness ,but includes both the body and mind. An individual with clinical or severe depression tends to not have the capability to move a side or shake off the feeling of unhappiness and sadness.
    An individual with depression often struggles with daily activity and their life becomes challenging.  If a person is experiencing low mood and unhappy feelings for more than 2 weeks and their low mood has not decreased in anyway , it is very important that they see there doctor as there is a high risk of the individual  developing depression. If a person does not receive any support or treatment for there clinical depression it will increasingly worsen and could possibly last for a period of years. Depression has a negative affect on a person physically, mentally and emotionally and can substantially have an interference with family life , work life and relationships.

Possible Causes Of Depression 

. Situations such as bereavement , divorce or losing a job could have an impact on a individual. The individual may have difficulty coming to terms with this sudden development and enter a state of depression. 

. Different circumstances such as a person living alone , having no friends and being isolated from others , stressed and overly worried about things are at risk of developing depression.

. Physical illnesses could be a possible cause of depression as a physical illness can affect how the brain works. Physical illnesses could include cancer , heart disease , arthritis , flu , glandular fever and under-active thyroid.

. A person's personality could make them more vulnerable to developing depression , depending on the individuals state of mind , genes , life experiences in their present life and early life.

. Alcohol and drug use could be a cause of  developing depression. A person may be already experiencing low mood , and turning to drugs and alcohol may increase their depressive mood as they are a "depressant".

. It is proven that women are more likely to suffer with depression more than men. A woman being depressed may possibly relate to postnatal depression.

. Genes can often play apart in an individual developing depression.  Close family members who have suffered with depression may increase the possibility of an individual developing depression.

How an individual's life may be affected by depression

. A person may become more tearful , guilty , frustrated and emotional. An individual may lose interest and enjoyment in things they once found pleasurable. 

. Depression can have an impact on a person's self confidence and self esteem , which may make the individual lose faith in there capabilities.

. Eating habits can be hugely affected by depression , a person may experience over indulging food or eating little .

. Feelings of hopelessness can cause a person to think situations are much worse than they actually are. This may lead to avoidance for the individual.

. Depression can cause a person to have a lack of energy and could prevent them from doing day to day activities , even simple activities such as ironing or the washing. 

. Existing relationships and making new relationships can be struggling for an individual with depression.

. Sleeping patterns can be affected . A person may experience lack of sleep or sleeping constantly.

. Isolation from others and society is common for a person to experience with depression. 

How A Person With Depression May Feel 

. Frustrated
. Guilt 
. Anger
. Grief 
. Ashamed 
. Acceptance 
. Hopeless 
. Confusion 
. Suicidal 

 Depression Signs That Family Members And Loved Ones Should Look Out For And Recognise In An Individual

. A dramatic change in an individual's sleeping pattern could be a sign that a loved one or family member should look out for when being concerned of the individual developing depression. 

. Reckless Behaviour is another sign that should be taken into consideration. 

. Loss of appetite or over eating is also a sign that loved ones and family members should be aware of. 

. A person self loathing and a decrease in their self confidence and self esteem is another sign that should be looked out for.  

. Loss of energy and loss of  interest in things an individual once loved is something loved ones and family members should keep an eye on , when being concerned about an individual developing depression.

. Self harming or suicidal thoughts or ideas is very important to be aware of. 

. Complaints of aches and pains could also be a sign that loved ones need to watch out for.

Help , Local Resources And Treatment For Depression

. Exercise is a proven self help to help depression , as exercise produces chemicals in your body that helps improve your mood.

. Self help groups can be useful for an individual with depression , as talking about similar problems to what other people may be experiencing may be comforting to know they are not alone.

. Talking therapies may be helpful for an individual with depression which will normally be recommend by their Doctor. Talking therapies , may include psychotherapy , CBT ( Cognitive Behavioural Therapy )  and counselling. 

. Antidepressants may be required for some individuals to help improve there mood and to help function daily. 

. Mental health teams have experience of working with people with depression and an individual may be referred to a mental health team. The mental health teams include psychologists , psychiatrists , specialist nurses and occupational therapists.

 More Support And Information 


Instagram - xovintagewayoflifexo
Twitter - V_wayoflifexo
Facebook - Ava Clarice Hornby

Love Ava 