Showing posts with label strength. Show all posts
Showing posts with label strength. Show all posts

Thursday 1 October 2015

Turning Negative Thinking Into Positive Thinking

Hello everyone! :) I hope everyone is doing well and are having a lovely day. Today I thought I would share with you all some of my favourite quotes that encourage positive thinking from a negative mind set. I hope you like some of these quotes :) and I would love to know some of your personal favourite quotes :)

1. When your mind is full of indecision , try thinking with your heart.

2. Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones , you'll start having positive results. 

3. Dwell on the beauty of life. Watch the stars and see yourself running with them. 

4. If you have good thoughts they will shine out of your face like sunbeams and you will always look lovely.

5. The greatest revenge is to accomplish what others say you cannot do. 

6. The only true failure is the person who fails to try. 

7. Promote what you love , rather than bashing what you hate.

8. Life is a shipwreck but we must not forget to sing in the lifeboats.   

9. Don't strive to be better than others , strive to be better than your best self. 

10. I don't think of all the misery but of all the beauty that still remains. 

11. Be like the birds and sing after every storm.

12. Be strong and unyielding so that your inner strength will grow. 

13. Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see a shadow.

14. You must be the change you want to see in the world.

15. Believe in yourself 

Instagram - xovintagewayoflifexo
Facebook - TheInnerVoiceAndASoulWithStrength 
Twitter - V_wayoflifexo

Love Ava

Monday 17 August 2015

Understanding Phobias And The Difference Between Specific And Social Phobias

A phobia is a type of anxiety disorder that an individual has a consistent and exaggerated fear of a specific object , place or situation. This means the individual is most likely to avoid what they fear , although what the individual fears often poses no actual threat or danger to the person themselves. 

There are two different types of phobias. One called " Specific Phobias" which can also be known as " Simple Phobias". The other main phobia group is called " Complex Phobias" which may be referred to as " Social Phobias". 

Specific phobias are usually a phobia of a particular object or situation  that an individual may experience. Often specific phobias start at a young age and though some may grow out of their phobia, for others it may be a phobia they cope with throughout their life. 

Here are some examples of Specific phobias below:

Animal Phobias - It is not uncommon that an individual may have a fear of an animal. The most common animals fears are usually spiders , snakes , mice, birds , incests , cats and dogs. 

Environmental phobias - An individual may be afraid of thunder and lightening , hurricanes or tornadoes , water or even heights.

Situational phobias - Situational phobias tend to be related to situations or circumstances such as having a fear of flying , visiting the dentist , lifts and escalators or even being in small spaces.

Body related phobias -  Body related phobias often refer to having a fear of things such as injections , blood or vomit. 

Social phobias are  more complex than specific phobias. Individuals with a Social phobia tend be extremely anxious and very self- conscious in everyday social situations. Social phobia comes under the diagnose of  " A Social Anxiety Disorder" and individuals have an increasingly intense fear of being watched or judged by other members of society. For somebody with a social phobia their fear can be so severe that simple things for other people such as work , school , meeting friends or being social with people , shopping or everyday activities is very difficult for somebody with a social phobia. Their fear can be so extreme that it may effect and interfere with the individual from leading a normal day to day life.

Some Of The Most Common Phobias Include:

Social interaction fear - Social interaction includes things such as meeting friends , going to parties , meeting new people , busy places or even a working environment.

Performance fear - Performance fear relates to public speaking such as presenting a presentation to other individuals.

Observation fear - Observation fear relates to an individual having an intense fear of being watched or seen by others, even just walking down the street to the shop. 


A person suffering with a social phobia is most likely to suffer with Agoraphobia which is also an anxiety disorder. Agoraphobia is one of the more extreme social phobias , a person suffering with Agoraphobia is severely afraid of any kind of social situations. The individual feels like they are at a high risk of danger and becomes fearful of the outside world. The extreme anxiety they experience often leads the individual to become housebound.  

Other  Known Phobias :


Possible Causes Of Phobias      

There is no one particular set cause of why somebody develops a phobia. Every individual is different , therefore the causes of the individual developing a phobia will differ from each other. 

However here are some possible causes which may contribute to a person developing a phobia:

. Genetics - Genetics may contribute to a person developing a phobia. If there is a family history of someone having a certain phobia it is possible that an individual may have developed the same phobia. Some people may be born with a propensity to be more anxious than others. 

. Incident/ Trauma - A phobia can be linked to a specific incident or trauma that an individual may have experienced. For example somebody who got trapped in a lift / elevator because it broke , may become fearful of using  a lift / elevator and develop a phobia of  using elevators. 

. Learned Responses - The family environment may be a factor that can contribute an individual to developing a phobia. A person may have picked up on a family members responses and anxieties  towards different things in their earlier life. 

Psychical And Emotional Response Of Having A Phobia     



Short Of Breath

Chest Pains 

Fast heart rate

Dizziness / Fainting 

Butterflies in their tummy 


Feeling like their are going to be sick



feeling stupid 









Self Help

Lifestyle changes may help an individual reduce the symptoms of a phobia. Lifestyle changes may include: 

. Regular exercise

. Regular and balanced meals 

. Getting enough sleep 

. Avoiding things such as caffeine or other stimulants 

Another self help is " Self-exposure Therapy " which includes the following : 

Relaxation techniques such as a variety of physical exercise , breathing exercise , meditation or yoga. This may help an individual to have some control of their breathing when suffering the symptoms of a phobia. Self help groups may be useful for an individual with a phobia , as meeting other people who share similar experiences as the individual could be useful as they may share different coping mechanisms with each other. 

Help , Support And Treatment 

For individuals who are struggling with a phobia there is help and treatments available to support them.

Here are some options available who seek help :

Counselling - Counsellors will listen to individuals problems and help them find a way to overcome their problems. 

Psychotherapy - A psychotherapist will use a more direct and in - depth approach to find the cause of the individuals problems and suggests coping mechanisms to help deal with their problems.  

CBT - CBT is a type of counselling that explores the individuals thoughts , feelings and behaviour which will help find practical ways of dealing with the individuals phobia. 

Medication - Medication is not essential but may help a person suffering with a phobia which causes them to have anxiety symptoms may be useful to some individuals. 

GP - Making an appointment to see there doctor is important  for an individual to seek help for there concerns about their phobia. A doctor can provide help and information for the individual and will usually refer the individual for therapy. 

More Help And Information        









Instagram - xovintagewayoflifexo
Twitter - V_wayoflifexo 
Facebook - TheInnerVoiceAndASoulWithStrength

Love Ava 


Tuesday 14 July 2015

Understanding Overall Mental Health And The Impact It May Have On A Person

Mental Health relates to how an individual copes with daily life and how they are able to function. There are two different types of mental health which often people misinterpret. People often mistake the term " Mental Health" as  a mental illness or condition in the mind , when actually Mental Health refers to a person's overall Mental Health, well-being  and if they are mentally healthy enough to cope with the pressures of daily life and be able to involve themselves in society. This is known as "Positive Mental Health". A individual with an illness or condition in the mind which prevents them from being able to function and cope with daily life is known as " Mental Ill- Health ." Mental Ill- Health covers a wide range of illnesses and conditions within the mind and how a person thinks , it does not just relate to  one  significant condition.   

Positive Mental Health 

. Positive Mental Health includes a person ability to cope with the demands and pressures of daily life. This includes the individuals capability of being able to cope with stress and difficult situations and circumstances.

. Being able to function in the community and society and being able to maintain relationships within society  is also apart of  Positive Mental Health.

. An individual having a healthy perception is an essential part of Positive Mental Health. It is important that a person is able to make sense of every day life and daily events that surround the individual.  

. Being emotional healthy is another important of  Positive Mental Health. Such as having an understanding and the ability to be able to express emotions and feelings.

. Healthy thinking is another part of Positive Mental Health. A person needs to have the capability to think clearly and be able to solve problems and make decisions for themselves to function properly.  

Elements That Can Affect And Impact On An Individuals " Positive Mental Health"

. Genes may be one possible component that could affect a person's Positive Mental Health. If a close family member or if there is a history of mental - ill health in the individuals ancestry , it is possible that a individual may inherit the same or similar mental health illness or condition. Such as schizophrenia , depression , anxiety , bipolar or personality disorder and eating disorders. 

. Another possible element that could affect a person's Positive Mental Health is the individuals childhood experiences. A person's upbringing and early experiences in life could impact on the individual mentally , emotionally and psychically  later in life. Positive environments can help a person to have good mental health and prevent mental ill-health, however negative environments could increase the risk of the individual having a mental health condition or illness. 

. Life events could also affect an individuals Positive Mental Health. Things such as , childhood , relationships , education, work life and social life could all influence the way a person reacts to different issues , problems or life events. 

. Social support and networks may have a positive affect on a person. When a person is vulnerable it is important that they have support around to help maintain Positive Mental Health , this support includes family , friends and a persons local community which can provide interaction and support. If a person does not have support it could increase the risk of an individual developing a mental health illness or condition. 

. A person's Positive Mental Health can depend entirely on the individual's own ability to cope. It is important for an individual to have coping strategies to help them cope with daily life and  face problems they may encounter. A person's capability will depend upon their resilience to previous experiences and life events.  

. An individuals lifestyle could also be an element which could affect a person's Positive Mental Health. Having a healthy diet and participating in regular exercise is very important for a person to maintain Positive Mental Health.

. It is key that a person makes sure they balance employment. Although employment may give an individual enjoyment and a sense of self-worth , being able to balance their work load is important to prevent unneeded stress and pressure. The stress and pressure could impact on a person's mental ability to cope.

.   Financial security and housing could also affect an individuals Positive Mental Health. Being aware of finances is essential for a person , so they are able to provide for themselves and have stability. 

Risk Factors That Could Lead To An Individual Developing A Mental Health Problem.   

. Individual risk factors which may include an individuals low self esteem , insecurity and lack of confidence could possibly put them at risk of developing a mental health problem. A person's lifestyle choice such as, diet , smoking or drinking may also be a factor of an individual developing a mental health problem. 

. Risk factors associated within an individuals family may include , violence , psychiatric disorder , neglect , divorce , family breakdown and unemployment which could cause an individual to develop a mental health disorder or illness. 

. Social factors may include being isolated from family , friends , the local community and the rest of society. Being disconnected from others could increase the risk of a person developing a mental health illness or condition. 

. Risk factors associated with education may include things such as bullying , lack of friends , struggling with school work could impact on an individual later in life. This could possibly lead to developing an mental health illness.

. Risk factors associated with life events such as unemployment , homelessness , bereavement , abuse , psychical illness and traumatic experiences could all lead to a person to developing a mental health problem. 

Common Mental  Ill - Health Problems 

. Depression

. Anxiety 

. Obsessive - Compulsive Disorder ( OCD)

. Phobias 

. Schizophrenia 

Bipolar Disorder 

. Eating Disorders 

Daily Difficulties That An Individual With A Mental Health Problem May Face

. Daily actives such as preparing meals , getting dressed , personal hygiene , cleaning the house and looking after their children may be challenging for a person suffering with a mental health problem.

. Finances may be a struggle to keep track off , paying bills may be stress for the individual who is suffering with a mental health problem.

. Employment may be difficult for a person with a mental health problem . The individual may find it hard to communicate with other co-workers and engage in activities in the work place. 

. A person's sleeping pattern could possibly affect if they are suffering with a mental health problem 

. Eating habits could also be affect , lack of appetite or over eating could occur. 

.  Relationships which may include , family , friends , romantic relationships , co-workers or members of the local community , could be hugely affected. An individual with a mental health problem could possibly become disconnected and isolated from others. 

.  Self image is also a possible difficulty that a person may face. Negative views and self hatred about themselves could be something an individual experiences.  

. Somebody who is suffering with a mental health problem physical health can also be affect.  For example someone who suffers with anxiety or stress may get rapid high blood pressure or stomach ulcers.

How A Person With A Mental Health Problem May Feel

. Depressed 

. Low Self Esteem 

. Stressed

. Lonely

. Selfish 

. Suicidal

. Angry

. Hopeless

. Tired

. Sadness

. Anxious

. No self worth 

. Paranoid 

. Tearful

. Self hatred

. Confusion 

For more information on this topic see the helpful websites below! :)


Instagram - xovintagewayoflifexo
Twitter - V_wayoflifexo
Facebook - Ava Clarice Hornby

Love Ava 