Showing posts with label lowmood. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lowmood. Show all posts

Monday 3 August 2015

Turning Negative Thoughts About Yourself Into Positive Thoughts About Yourself

Hello there everyone! :) Often people dwell on negative thoughts during a depressing and stressful period in their life. I am guilty of doing this too , during my low days I often think negative thoughts about myself and seem to bully myself in my head over and over. Doing this time and time again is not mentally or psychically healthy for anyone. So I recently came up with a strategy to help decrease these ridiculously negative nonsense thoughts. I wrote down a list of  the negative things I tell myself and turned them into positive things I NEED to tell myself. I am going to read this list everyday until the positive thoughts are implanted in my brain. Whenever I am feeling low and them nasty negative thoughts try and slip into my head , I will remember the positives that I changed from the negatives and repeat them to myself.    

I hope anyone who is struggling with negative thoughts finds this list helpful , or I would love to see you come up with your own list of changing negative thoughts into positive thoughts! :)  

I tell myself I am WORTHLESS 
I need to tell myself I am WORTH IT

I tell myself I am STUPID 
I need to tell myself I am a different kind of SMART

I tell myself I am UGLY 
I need to tell myself I am BEAUTIFUL in my own way

I tell myself I am DAMAGED 
I need to tell myself things take TIME to be fixed

I tell myself I am WEAK
I need to tell myself  your not weak because your heart is still beating STRONG

I tell myself  nobody CARES
I need to tell myself  there is somebody who will always CARE

I tell myself I am INFERIOR 
I need to tell myself I am equally UNIQUE  

I tell myself I deserve to be UNHAPPY 
I need to tell myself everyone deserve to be HAPPY including yourself

I tell myself everybody hates me
I need to tell myself the people worth keeping LOVE you

I tell myself I am a failure 
I need to tell myself you have to fail once or twice to eventually SUCCEED 


I tell myself I CANT  do this
I need to tell myself I CAN do this

Instagram - xovintagewayoflifexo
Twitter - V_wayoflifexo
Facebook - Ava Clarice Hornby 

Love Ava 

Thursday 2 July 2015

Understanding Depression And Knowing The Difference Between " Low Mood And Depression"

Although each person experiences feeling low during difficult times in their life , which is a natural part of life , feeling low is completely different from feeling depressed.  " Feeling Low" or having a low mood is a short term temporary feelings of sadness , frustration and stress. Depression includes more than just feelings of unhappiness ,but includes both the body and mind. An individual with clinical or severe depression tends to not have the capability to move a side or shake off the feeling of unhappiness and sadness.
    An individual with depression often struggles with daily activity and their life becomes challenging.  If a person is experiencing low mood and unhappy feelings for more than 2 weeks and their low mood has not decreased in anyway , it is very important that they see there doctor as there is a high risk of the individual  developing depression. If a person does not receive any support or treatment for there clinical depression it will increasingly worsen and could possibly last for a period of years. Depression has a negative affect on a person physically, mentally and emotionally and can substantially have an interference with family life , work life and relationships.

Possible Causes Of Depression 

. Situations such as bereavement , divorce or losing a job could have an impact on a individual. The individual may have difficulty coming to terms with this sudden development and enter a state of depression. 

. Different circumstances such as a person living alone , having no friends and being isolated from others , stressed and overly worried about things are at risk of developing depression.

. Physical illnesses could be a possible cause of depression as a physical illness can affect how the brain works. Physical illnesses could include cancer , heart disease , arthritis , flu , glandular fever and under-active thyroid.

. A person's personality could make them more vulnerable to developing depression , depending on the individuals state of mind , genes , life experiences in their present life and early life.

. Alcohol and drug use could be a cause of  developing depression. A person may be already experiencing low mood , and turning to drugs and alcohol may increase their depressive mood as they are a "depressant".

. It is proven that women are more likely to suffer with depression more than men. A woman being depressed may possibly relate to postnatal depression.

. Genes can often play apart in an individual developing depression.  Close family members who have suffered with depression may increase the possibility of an individual developing depression.

How an individual's life may be affected by depression

. A person may become more tearful , guilty , frustrated and emotional. An individual may lose interest and enjoyment in things they once found pleasurable. 

. Depression can have an impact on a person's self confidence and self esteem , which may make the individual lose faith in there capabilities.

. Eating habits can be hugely affected by depression , a person may experience over indulging food or eating little .

. Feelings of hopelessness can cause a person to think situations are much worse than they actually are. This may lead to avoidance for the individual.

. Depression can cause a person to have a lack of energy and could prevent them from doing day to day activities , even simple activities such as ironing or the washing. 

. Existing relationships and making new relationships can be struggling for an individual with depression.

. Sleeping patterns can be affected . A person may experience lack of sleep or sleeping constantly.

. Isolation from others and society is common for a person to experience with depression. 

How A Person With Depression May Feel 

. Frustrated
. Guilt 
. Anger
. Grief 
. Ashamed 
. Acceptance 
. Hopeless 
. Confusion 
. Suicidal 

 Depression Signs That Family Members And Loved Ones Should Look Out For And Recognise In An Individual

. A dramatic change in an individual's sleeping pattern could be a sign that a loved one or family member should look out for when being concerned of the individual developing depression. 

. Reckless Behaviour is another sign that should be taken into consideration. 

. Loss of appetite or over eating is also a sign that loved ones and family members should be aware of. 

. A person self loathing and a decrease in their self confidence and self esteem is another sign that should be looked out for.  

. Loss of energy and loss of  interest in things an individual once loved is something loved ones and family members should keep an eye on , when being concerned about an individual developing depression.

. Self harming or suicidal thoughts or ideas is very important to be aware of. 

. Complaints of aches and pains could also be a sign that loved ones need to watch out for.

Help , Local Resources And Treatment For Depression

. Exercise is a proven self help to help depression , as exercise produces chemicals in your body that helps improve your mood.

. Self help groups can be useful for an individual with depression , as talking about similar problems to what other people may be experiencing may be comforting to know they are not alone.

. Talking therapies may be helpful for an individual with depression which will normally be recommend by their Doctor. Talking therapies , may include psychotherapy , CBT ( Cognitive Behavioural Therapy )  and counselling. 

. Antidepressants may be required for some individuals to help improve there mood and to help function daily. 

. Mental health teams have experience of working with people with depression and an individual may be referred to a mental health team. The mental health teams include psychologists , psychiatrists , specialist nurses and occupational therapists.

 More Support And Information 


Instagram - xovintagewayoflifexo
Twitter - V_wayoflifexo
Facebook - Ava Clarice Hornby

Love Ava 