Showing posts with label waystostaypositive. Show all posts
Showing posts with label waystostaypositive. Show all posts

Monday 3 August 2015

Turning Negative Thoughts About Yourself Into Positive Thoughts About Yourself

Hello there everyone! :) Often people dwell on negative thoughts during a depressing and stressful period in their life. I am guilty of doing this too , during my low days I often think negative thoughts about myself and seem to bully myself in my head over and over. Doing this time and time again is not mentally or psychically healthy for anyone. So I recently came up with a strategy to help decrease these ridiculously negative nonsense thoughts. I wrote down a list of  the negative things I tell myself and turned them into positive things I NEED to tell myself. I am going to read this list everyday until the positive thoughts are implanted in my brain. Whenever I am feeling low and them nasty negative thoughts try and slip into my head , I will remember the positives that I changed from the negatives and repeat them to myself.    

I hope anyone who is struggling with negative thoughts finds this list helpful , or I would love to see you come up with your own list of changing negative thoughts into positive thoughts! :)  

I tell myself I am WORTHLESS 
I need to tell myself I am WORTH IT

I tell myself I am STUPID 
I need to tell myself I am a different kind of SMART

I tell myself I am UGLY 
I need to tell myself I am BEAUTIFUL in my own way

I tell myself I am DAMAGED 
I need to tell myself things take TIME to be fixed

I tell myself I am WEAK
I need to tell myself  your not weak because your heart is still beating STRONG

I tell myself  nobody CARES
I need to tell myself  there is somebody who will always CARE

I tell myself I am INFERIOR 
I need to tell myself I am equally UNIQUE  

I tell myself I deserve to be UNHAPPY 
I need to tell myself everyone deserve to be HAPPY including yourself

I tell myself everybody hates me
I need to tell myself the people worth keeping LOVE you

I tell myself I am a failure 
I need to tell myself you have to fail once or twice to eventually SUCCEED 


I tell myself I CANT  do this
I need to tell myself I CAN do this

Instagram - xovintagewayoflifexo
Twitter - V_wayoflifexo
Facebook - Ava Clarice Hornby 

Love Ava 

Saturday 11 July 2015

10 Ways To Stay Positive During Stressful Times

1. Make somebody smile by doing something nice for them. It could even be something as simple as , making a cup of tea for a family member , surprise a friend or family member with some flowers or chocolates , hold a door open for a stranger when out shopping etc or even giving someone a nice compliment about there outfit or appearance. Making another person smile could help an individual feel good about themselves for having a positive impact on another person. 

2. During stressful times it is important for a person to participate in some kind of exercise. Exercise does not have to be a high intense work out , exercise can include going for a walk down to the shop , riding a bike , yoga or pilates , aerobics , hula hooping or even swimming. Exercise helps improve a persons mood because when an individual exercise's their body releases chemicals called endorphins also known as the " Happy Hormones"  which trigger a more positive upbeat feeling.

3. Keeping a journal or diary is a good way to express your thoughts and feelings on paper. Writing things down may help an individual to feel a little more relaxed and that a weight has been lifted from there shoulders. Some people may find writing therapeutic.

4. Communication is important for an individual during stressful times. Being able to talk to friends , family or loved ones for support and being able talk about your difficult time could be helpful for an individual . Family , friends and loved ones may help decrease the stress and worry a person may feel  burdened with at that time.

5. Relax your mind! There are many ways to relax your mind , one way to relax your mind is listening to calm soothing music. Another way is to take a long hot bubbly bath with lavender salts. Reading a book or listening to a meditation or breathing exercise tape may also be relaxing for an individual.  

6. Taking your mind of what is making you stressed out by taking up a hobby or activity. A hobby or activity could include photography , baking , card making or arts and crafts , walking , swimming , tennis , bike riding , jigsaws or puzzles or even knitting. 

7. Every individual experiences a stressful time during a period in there life . No matter how stressful the situation or circumstance may be it is important to keep a positive mind set throughout that period. For example think about the things you are most grateful for , which others may not be so lucky. Such as "I am grateful that I have a roof over my head and a bed to sleep in tonight" or " " I am grateful that I have a choice of what to eat for breakfast tomorrow morning." 
No matter how stressful times may seem , there will always be someone in the world who has it 100 times tougher than you. Just remember the positives that surround you during that stressful stage.

8. Surrounding yourself with laughter! Being around people who spread joy and laughter can help a person's mood to improve and be more positive. This could include being with family , friends or loved ones , watching a comedy film or programme , or even going to a theatre to watch a comedian or a pantomime. 

9. Identify what is making you stressed out , confront it and then change it. Avoiding the situation or circumstance will not fix anything , in fact it could increase the chance of further stress. 

10. Making sure you have a healthy diet. Eating unhealthy foods such as crisps , sweets , pizzas or fizzy pop could have a negative impact on a person and there mood. If you are an individual under stress it is best to stay clear of any kind of unhealthy and high sugared foods as it could increase further stress and negativity for an individual.     

Instagram - xovintagewayoflifexo
Twitter - V_wayoflifexo
Facebook - Ava Clarice Hornby

Love Ava