Showing posts with label coping. Show all posts
Showing posts with label coping. Show all posts

Saturday 19 December 2015

The Struggles Of Autism ( Living With Autism )

Autism is a spectrum disorder which means it is greatly varied and affects individuals differently. People who do not understand Autism have a misconception of understanding the spectrum disorder , people often assume that Autism will affect individuals in the same way and that everyone with Autism is the same. 
       Every person with Autism is different and unique , but can relate with each other with the difficulties we face everyday. I myself have Autism and find things daily to be difficult , although the struggles and difficulties I face may vary to another individual with Autism. The daily battles with face everyday will of course differ for everyone depending on how mild or severe they are on the Autistic spectrum. 

   The Three Main Traid of Impairments We Struggle With  

. Social communication and interaction 

. Verbal and non- verbal language 

. Thinking and behaving ( social imagination ) 

How Autism Affects Me In Daily 

. Communication - I find it difficult to communicate with people face to face , speaking over phone and even understanding the contents of emails. I find it uncomfortable to speak to people in person , I feel anxious, stressed and eye contact can often be physically painful due to being overwhelmed by the situation. 

Coordination - I often find fiddly things difficult to coordinate , for example organising books or files might take me longer than somebody without Autism to do , or even tying  or untying things can be complicated to do. Dropping things and bumping into things is a fairly regular thing for me. Clumsiness is very common for somebody with Autism. 

Lack of understanding people's langue - People with autism including myself can often be very playful and sarcastic , however we find difficult to understand other people's sarcasm or humour. We find it difficult to read if somebody is joking and we often take things literally , which causes use to be very sensitive around people as we tend to take everything personally. 

Sensory sensitive - Every individual with Autism finds something related to either sight , touch , sound , smell or taste very sensitive to cope with. For example certain colours can be sensitive for an individual with Autism for me personally I am sensitive to the colours orange and yellow , which both colours can often be painful for me to look at and can make me panic. Sounds such as scratching on surfaces like a table , pieces of paper , a chalk board or even a pair jeans can be overwhelming for me to heard and I often become anxious. Even noises such as somebody mowing the lawn or an alarm going of can be disturbing. Certain textures can make me panic especially " terrycloth". Even when I was a little girl and my mum would touch me on the hand and when she had dry skin on her hands I would start to scream because the texture of the dry skin would make me uncomfortable. 

Routine  - Like most individuals with Autism I have a routine in my head of how I do things daily and the timing of those routines. If my routine is changed or disturbed I can become very anxious and uncomfortable. I can become very frustrated with myself because everything becomes out of order or out of place. A slight change or unexpected events that may occur can mean I wont settle for the rest of the day and become uneasy. 

Repetitive patterns - I can often be fidgety such as when sitting on a chair rocking back and forwards or fidgeting about. I always have to check things are switched off 3 times ( ALWAYS 3 ), such as the oven , fireplace , light switch , water tap or making sure the front and back door is locked. I tend to repeat stories that I have already told without realising I have already told them. Constantly fixing and rearranging things like if I am out shopping and a food tin or jar is facing the wrong way I have to fix it ( most of the time I don't even realise I am doing it ). I am always fiddling with objects around me as I tend to be intrigued by objects even if it is just an empty bottle. 

Every individual with Autism is different but we can all relate to each other on some level. People often misjudge Autism because of there lack of understanding about the condition and sadly the media does not raise enough awareness about the condition. In actual fact the media often presents Autism to the public in a negative light by publishing incorrect information about the condition based on one incident that may of happened . For example a shooting that happened not so long ago in the United States, and the gunman happened to have Autism. The media portrayed Autism to be a dangerous and fearful condition based on one individual. When in actual fact  97%  of people with Autism would not hurt a fly , they are most likely to end up hurting themselves out of  frustration or suffering with depression rather than being a threat to the rest of society.  

Unfortunately these are some of the headlines and comments we can often see the media portraying Autism : 

" Parents just letting there children misbehaving , pure laziness! Just give them a good smack "

( Actually children with Autism can not control misbehaving because they don't understand what is going on and why everything seems so difficult. They " misbehave" out of frustration at themselves. 

" Autism wrecks lives"

( Yes , Autism is difficult for an individual and their family but the only person it affects is the individual themselves. Often families are very supportive of a person with Autism and learn to adjust to there needs because it is what families do for there loved ones. Everything might seem 10 times harder for an individual with Autism but that doesn't mean they are incapable of having a life.) 

" Autistic people are violent and dangerous "

( Autistic people are far from dangerous , we wouldn't hurt a soul intentionally. We have so much love to give people but because of our communication and social skills we don't know how to show that love. Our brain is different to our heart. It doesn't quite work together.)  

" People with Autism don't feel emotions "

( We actually feel a lot of emotion that is often overwhelming for us to handle because we feel some much emotion at once.) 

 Thank you for reading 

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Love Ava 

Thursday 1 October 2015

Turning Negative Thinking Into Positive Thinking

Hello everyone! :) I hope everyone is doing well and are having a lovely day. Today I thought I would share with you all some of my favourite quotes that encourage positive thinking from a negative mind set. I hope you like some of these quotes :) and I would love to know some of your personal favourite quotes :)

1. When your mind is full of indecision , try thinking with your heart.

2. Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones , you'll start having positive results. 

3. Dwell on the beauty of life. Watch the stars and see yourself running with them. 

4. If you have good thoughts they will shine out of your face like sunbeams and you will always look lovely.

5. The greatest revenge is to accomplish what others say you cannot do. 

6. The only true failure is the person who fails to try. 

7. Promote what you love , rather than bashing what you hate.

8. Life is a shipwreck but we must not forget to sing in the lifeboats.   

9. Don't strive to be better than others , strive to be better than your best self. 

10. I don't think of all the misery but of all the beauty that still remains. 

11. Be like the birds and sing after every storm.

12. Be strong and unyielding so that your inner strength will grow. 

13. Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see a shadow.

14. You must be the change you want to see in the world.

15. Believe in yourself 

Instagram - xovintagewayoflifexo
Facebook - TheInnerVoiceAndASoulWithStrength 
Twitter - V_wayoflifexo

Love Ava

Tuesday 22 September 2015

10 Things You Didn't Know About Autism

1. Did you know that an individual with Autism is extremely likely to suffer with severe anxiety?

2. Did you know that it is fairly common for somebody with Autism to suffer with an eating disorder? 

3.Did you know that a person with Autism's rapid mood swings and constant change in mood is not the individual attention seeking or "acting out" , the individual simply can not control there quick change in mood. Anxiety has a big part to play in the individual's change of mood.

4. Did you know that a person with Autism has an unstable sleeping pattern and often suffers with insomnia?

5. Did you know that just because an individual with Autism can be sometimes isolated from people , doesn't mean they don't like spending time with people and like being invited to things.   

6. Did you know that when an individual with Autism avoids direct eye contact with others is not because the individual is being ignorant or rude , it can very difficult and sometimes psychically painful for a person with Autism to give direct eye contact. Often eye contact for someone with Autism can be very distressing and uncomfortable. 

7. Did you know that many people assume that every person with Autism is highly intelligent in maths and divisions , this is not always the case. A person with Autism is highly intelligent in a topic that they find fascinating or that they are extremely interested in.  

8. Did you know that just because an individual has Autism does not mean that the individual is incapable of being able to work in a full time job. Although individuals may struggle understanding certain things doesn't mean they lack the capability of working , all they need is a little guidance,advice and structure. 

9. Did you know there is a "Myth" that people with Autism do not care about other people's feelings. This is incorrect! In fact individuals with Autism care deeply about individuals emotions but may find it difficult to understand others emotions , which may mean the individual with Autism will constantly ask if a person is okay or how do they feel. This may sometimes become an annoyance to others because of the same repeated question. But it is not the individual with Autism's fault they can't understand how others feel. 

10. Did you know that people who are Autistic are very creative people especially in a subject or topic they are interested in. Individuals with Autism have a very big ambitious imagination but sometimes struggling with social communication effects the individual being ambitious. 

Instagram - xovintagewayoflifexo
Twitter - V_wayoflifexo
Facebook - The Inner Voice And A Soul With Strength 

Love Ava

Wednesday 2 September 2015

10 Daily Struggles Of An Adult With Autism

1. ROUTINE - I like routine and structure because I know what to expect. If my routine is disturbed I become distressed , overwhelmed and anxious , which will usually result in having an anxiety attack. 

2. SENSES - Sight , sound , touch and smell can be difficult to cope with on a daily basis. Personally I am very sensitive towards sound and sight such as bright light or any kind of artificial light. My sight can be very fragile and sensitive towards the colours yellow and orange. I also find certain textures to touch discomforting and can make me feel irritated.

3. UNDERSTANDING - I may come across like I am not listening to you , when in actual fact I am trying to understand what you are saying. Understanding what people are saying to you is like doing a jigsaw puzzle and you can no find that final piece of puzzle to complete the jigsaw. Just because a person with Autism does not understand you , does not mean they are stupid or dumb , it just means we understand things differently. 

4. DECISIONS - Almost every day I have to ask others for approval or to make a decision for me. I struggle at making my own decisions , and these decisions  can include things such as asking if I am allowed to get a drink when I am at home or If I can have a shower.  

5. ANXIETY -  Anxiety is a very common trait to have if an individual has Autism. Having high increasing and intense anxiety effects being able to communicate with others, such as working , education , social events or even relationships. Because of the anxiety we tend to like our own space and often isolate ourselves from the world.  

6. COMMUNICATION - Physically talking to others in person can be very difficult and distressing. We tend to not look at the person when speaking to them or we keep looking at our surroundings. Often people may also look to loved ones to speak for them. People who don't understand Autism tend to think it is rudeness or ignorance when we don't talk back or look away. We find it uncomfortable and very overwhelming which we can not control.

7. HUMOUR - Having Autism things said are often taken personally , due to not understanding jokes , figure of speech and sarcasm. I tend to take things to heart and become very emotional towards the " Joke". In my head, I think the individual telling the joke is purposely trying to insult or upset me without understanding it was a joke.

8. INSOMNIA - Due to the anxiety that individuals with Autism experience , lack of sleep often occurs which makes the day 10x harder for someone with Autism as their irritability and lack of patience will double. 

9. CONCENTRATION -  It is much harder for a person with Autism to concentrate. For example I struggle being able to move things without dropping them , opening packets or bottled lids , remembering things or not being able to focus on a certain activity I was doing. Also understanding maps or instructions of where to go and what to do I have a difficult time doing. 

10 . HEALTH AND MOVEMENT - Constant fidgeting , rocking arms and legs around , sitting in unusual positions , bad posture , toilet problems , sensitive to foods and difficultly hearing are also things                 an individual including myself experiences with Autism.

Instagram - xovintagewayoflifexo
Twitter - V_wayoflifexo
Facebook - The Inner Voice And A Soul With Strength 

Love Ava 