Hello everyone :) I hope everyone is well and has had a lovely weekend ! :)
If you have been following my mental health blog for awhile now you may know I have suffered with severe anxiety and panic attacks for a long time and thought I would share with you different ways which help my anxiety reduce when I experience symptoms.

1. When I am at home, mainly during the evening or night time I will get more anxious about things because your body starts to switch off and tend to over think things at night time. I have a news and magazine app on my phone which I will lie down on my side in bed and will read the news to distract myself when I experience symptoms of anxiety , which will help me focus on something else rather than my anxiety.
2. Crossword or word puzzles are also another way to help me reduce my anxiety symptoms as again it helps take my mind of focusing on what is making me anxious at the time.
3. If I am at home one of the symptoms I often experience with anxiety is shaking and my body goes ice cold so I have a hot bath or shower with some music on my phone left on the side of the cabinet to help me stop shaking.
4. In whatever situation I am in , if I am at home or out and about , whenever I feel like my anxiety is increasing I phone my mum to help calm me down. Talking to my mum helps my anxiety decrease and turn my attention onto concentrating on the conversation with my mum. Phoning a loved one or friend who understands your anxiety might help reduce your symptoms of anxiety.
5. Now I know not everyone has a car , and I cant drive myself but my fiance will often take me on long drives to help calm my anxiety. Ever since I was a child I have always found long drives calming and has often help decrease my anxiety symptoms as I concentrate more on my surroundings of which I see rather than what is making me anxiety at that moment.
Thank you for reading :)
Love Ava