Showing posts with label breath. Show all posts
Showing posts with label breath. Show all posts

Tuesday 7 July 2015

Understanding And Knowing Why People Self Harm

Although self harm is not a Mental Health problem in itself , it often relates to how  a person is coping with other possible Mental Health problems. These possible Mental Health problems may include depression , eating disorders , OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) , bipolar disorder , personality disorder and schizophrenia.
People may find it exhaustingly difficult to cope with their  emotions and feelings . Particularly if they are overwhelming and gruelling the person may turn to self harming as a coping mechanism. Self harming gives a sense of relief for the person and helps the person concentrate on the harming ( no matter how bad it may be ) rather than their negative emotions and feelings. 
An individual could have a lack of communication with loved ones and family members because of there troubling feelings and emotions , self harm could be there way of  showing how they feel. There is a wide range of different people who may self harm , from young teenagers to middle aged adults , although the common age range is between 11 years old and 27 years old. 
Often people perceive self harming as attention seeking, when actually the majority of people who self harm are very secretive and discreet about harming themselves.

What Self Harming May Include 

. Cutting yourself

. Poisoning yourself

. Over eating and under eating

. Burning your skin

. Inserting objects into your body

. Hitting yourself or walls

. Overdosing

. Exercising excessively 

. Scratching or pulling your hair 

Why Do People Self Harm?

There are many different reasons why an individual may self harm. It is important that if self harming is an often recurrence for an individual to seek help.
Some of the reasons why a person may self harm include:

. Pressures of school or work
. Bullying
. Money worries
. Sexual , psychical and emotional abuse
. Bereavement
. Sexuality or Gender Confusion 
. Divorce or break down of a relationship
. Illness or health problems
. Depression , Anxiety or emotional thoughts and feelings 

Why Do People Turn To Self Harm?

. Self harming could make a person feel like they have some control in their life because they may have no control in their current life situations.

. A person may turn to self harm for a sense of relief from all there feelings , emotions , stresses and worries.

. An individual may feel ashamed or embarrassed  of themselves and feel like they should be punished , so they turn to self harm as a form of punishment. 

. Self harming may be an individuals only way of knowing how to deal with there emotional pain , by turning emotional pain into physical pain.  

. Self harming can often be a way of a person to escape the individuals reality.

. It could also be a way of a person expressing there suicidal thoughts without taking their own life.

What A Person Who Self Harm's May Be Feeling Emotionally

. Anger
. Anxiety
. Loneliness And Isolation 
. Numbness And Emptiness 
. Disconnected
. Trapped
. Unworthy

Signs That Loved Ones Should Look Out For

. Unexplained cuts, bruises , scars and burns on an individuals body

. Blood stains on clothing , towels and bedding

. Being secretive 

. Isolation and  being disconnected 

. Wearing baggy clothing even in warm weather

. Sharp objects being close by the individual such as razors , knives , scissors , bottle caps , needles or glass shards

. Claiming to be clumsy when cuts and bruises keep occurring

Coping Mechanisms

 . If an individual is finding it extremely hard to cope with trying not to self harm by cutting , one way to help is to put a bobble or a elastic band around your wrist and lightly pull on it.

. Another coping mechanisms is to distract yourself by doing jigsaw puzzles and quizzes. 

. Listening to music could also help an individual to not self harm.

. Reading a book or magazine can also be a coping mechanism. 

. Popping bubble wrap may also be helpful.

. Taking up a hobby such as photography or art could distract an individual from self harming.

. Walking and exercise could help improve a person's mood and may decrease the individuals tendency to self harm.   


Help And Support 


Instagram - xovintagewayoflifexo
Twitter - V_wayoflifexo
Facebook - Ava Clarice Hornby 

Love Ava 

Sunday 28 June 2015

Living With Anxiety And Understanding Anxiety

Every individual experiences short term anxiety , as anxiety is an important part of every person's survival. Anxiety is an essential mechanism that our body triggers for protecting us against threat or danger. You may have heard this being referred to as the " Fight or Flight " response. Although every individual experiences some kind of short term anxiety in their life , living with severe anxiety is very different.
Living with anxiety can lead an individual to have regular panic and anxiety attacks which can have an affect on their daily life. Panic attacks is an exaggeration of an individuals normal body response to a fearful situation , stress or even excitement. Panic and anxiety attacks occur suddenly and a person's body is often unable to prevent an attack. The build up  of a rapid anxiety or panic attack is overwhelming for a person and the individual's body loses control and they will start to feel the sensations of an anxiety attack. The sensations of an attack a person may experience  will include a pounding heart , feeling faint , sweating , nausea , chest pains , short of breath , feeling  emotional and shaky limbs. The intensity of a panic or anxiety attack can vary depending on the individual's mentality towards stress and the situation or circumstances that they are in. 

Possible Causes Of Anxiety        

. Stress is one of the most common triggers for anxiety symptoms, depending on the individuals response and mentality towards stress will possibly determine the physical and emotional intensity of the individual anxiety.

. Life events and circumstances is also a possible cause of anxiety. A life changing event or a stressful and difficult situation in a person's life could take a toll on the individual and they may develop anxiety symptoms.

. A person's previous reaction to stress and how they coped could impact in future situations. A constant reappearance of  coping in stressful situations and circumstances badly or in a negative way could lead to severe anxiety.

. Drugs can also be a cause of anxiety. Drugs often associated with anxiety are amphetamines ( speed) , ecstasy and LSD.

. A lot of people are unaware that caffeine could potentially cause anxiety symptoms , as people are often sensitive to effects found in caffeine.

Negative Thinking Cycle 


There is a cycle of anxiety called " Negative Thinking" which includes a person's thoughts , feelings and behaviours. Negative thinking can often be referred to as a continuous cycle , because the cycle continues and repeats which is often common for individuals with anxiety and depression. This cycle becomes mentally and psychically unhealthy for the individual , which tends to leave them being isolated from others by avoidance. Avoidance can be a coping mechanism for the individual , as they are avoiding the problems they find stressful instead of confronting the problem. " The longer the avoidance the increase in anxiety."

Possible Triggers And Situations For A Person To be Anxious

. Meeting new people can often be a trigger for a person to be anxious. This can be by directly meeting someone and can also be by being in a environment where people are unfamiliar. This can include places such as shopping centres , supermarkets , social events and restaurants. Being surrounded by a large amount of people and crowds can also be a reason of why a person becomes anxious. 

. New situations or circumstances such as moving house , starting a new school or being in a unfamiliar area could trigger an individuals anxiety symptoms . 

.  Anxiety can often occur in a fearful situation or a phobia encounter a person may have. For example if an individual is afraid of flying or have a phobia of certain animal could strike fear in the person and cause their body to experience anxiety sensations

. A traumatic experience such as  a road accident , a near death experience , abuse or being trapped in a catastrophic situation can not just only cause anxiety but could possibly cause PTSD ( post -traumatic stress disorder.)

. Past memories and experiences could have an affect on a person later on in their life and could be a cause of a person feeling anxious.

Self Help Techniques 

. Exercise is a self help technique for anxiety because exercise releases endorphins chemical's in the body which helps the individual to feel more positive. This can also be referred  to as " The Happy Hormone."

. As difficult as it may be for a individual , communication is an important part of self help. Reaching out to others about your worries and concerns about your anxiety may be helpful for the individual as discussing their thought and feelings may ensure the person that they have support and they are not alone. " A Problem Shared Is A Problem Halved." 

. It is important that a person keeps a watchful eye on their diet and adapted to a healthy diet. A high content of sugar and caffeine in a person's diet can lead to a person to experience anxiety symptoms .

. Keeping a diary or journal may be of  use to some , as writing their thoughts and feelings may help get things of there chest and help keep track of how they feel.

. Relaxation techniques such as yoga or pilates could be helpful to individuals , as it could help relax them physically and mentally 

. Joining a support group may be proven helpful for a person experiencing anxiety. Being surrounded by people going through similar issues can be comforting and reassure the person they are not alone. 

Other Self Help Techniques 

. Listening to music
. Going for a walk
. Creative actives
. Taking up a hobby
. Reading books or magazines
. Watching films or Tv programmes
. Theatre and cinema performances 

" Although stress and anxiety have some of the same symptoms , a person is more likely to be able to keep under control stress. Where as anxiety is an exaggeration of stress which a person's body and mind think they are threatened or in real danger. It becomes impossible for the individual to focus and keep under control there symptoms of anxiety in the situation that made them anxious."

How Anxiety Makes A Person Feel About Themselves

. Depressed 
. Feeling ashamed of themselves
. Unworthy 
. Feeling stupid and useless 
. Feeling like a waste of space 
. Emotional
. Unfocused 
. Self Hatred
. Fearful 
. Become Agoraphobic
. Obsessive behaviour (OCD)

 My Anxiety Story 

Hey there everyone! :D I hope you have all found the information above about living and understanding anxiety useful. I thought I would share with you all, my personal anxiety story. 

From a very young age, I have suffered with anxiety. I remember as young as being 8 years old being anxious. Of course back then I didn't understand what anxiety was , I just thought something was wrong with me. I couldn't understand why felt so sad and emotional at doing the simplest things. I remember constantly feeling flushed in my cheeks, my heart was racing and I felt short of breath. I just couldn't comprehend what was happening to my body , I would start shaking and clenched my hands into a fist digging my nails into my palms ( Unfortunately I still have the habit of doing that today).  When I was 9 years old my Mum took me to a Doctor as she had picked up on me panicking and being anxious all the time. The Doctor referred me to CAMHS ( Child Adolescent Mental Health Service ) where they diagnosed me with an anxiety disorder and depression. 
For 10 years I have been in and out of therapy and counselling trying to understand my anxiety with CAMHS . However I found therapy and counselling sessions overwhelming and emotional , which affected communicating with the psychiatrists and psychologists. I became difficult and reluctant to speak because I felt ashamed of myself for not understanding what was going on. Having a lack of understanding about anxiety at a young age felt confusing and emotional , in my head all I thought was something is wrong with me , why don't other children around me feel like this?  I must be a bad person right? 

I found it difficult during my schools years both primary and high school. I barely spoke during high school and when I did , I began to panic. I could feel myself sweating and shaking , my face felt like it was on fire. My heart pounding as I began to fidget , I couldn't control my body and if I was sat down I began to rock back and forward on the chair. I always got tummy pains and embarrassingly I felt like I was going to poop my pants. My anxiety got so bad , I eventually refused to go to school. I barely went to school in the last 2 years of high school. I found it overwhelming , stressful and I just couldn't cope any more.
When I was 18 , I was discharged from CAMHS and entered the adult services. To this day , I still continue with therapy to help with my anxiety.  

Things That Triggered My Anxiety In School

. Walking to lessons alone
. Going to the toilets alone
. Being late for lessons
. Forgetting something
. If I was seated right in the centre of the classroom surrounded by people
. Assemblies
. A large number of people in a classroom
. Asking a teacher for help
. Catching the bus to and from school
. Being left alone at lunch and break times
. Talking to classmates 
. Fire drills
. Being singled out in lessons by teachers randomly asking questions when you don't have your hand up.
. Exams 
. Fear of falling over and everyone laughing at me
. People in general 

 Things That Trigger My Anxiety Now

. Walking alone to places
. Catching public transport
. Speaking to people
. Going out the house
. Going up to the tills while out shopping alone
. Being in crowds or busy places
. Going to new places 
. Ordering drinks in a cafe / restaurant 
. Worrying about what I am wearing or my appearance
. Checking things around the house constantly making sure things are switched off ( Even though I have checked it more than 3 times)
. Answering the door or phone   

For more information and support about anxiety visit my " Help & Information" Page :) 

Instagram - xovintagewayoflifexo
Twitter - V_wayoflifexo
Facebook - Ava Clarice Hornby 

Love Ava