Hello everyone , I hope everyone is well and has had a lovely week. Today I want to talk about the financial stresses at this time of year which many families experience especially with children.

The Christmas season is coming up and everywhere you go you hear children say I want , I want , I want. Of course they are just children and don't understand that maybe there mummy and daddy can't afford those things they would like. It doesn't matter how many times adults and family members tell you, just buy your kids what you can afford , it doesn't make you feel any less of a failure for not been able to provide what they are asking for.
Something really upset me this week , my eldest was at nursery and they all sat in a circle and went round in a circle and said what they would like for Christmas. Now I understand nursery is just trying to get the children excited for Christmas , but not everyone is in a financial situation to afford expensive items. Not once has my eldest mentioned she wanted a purple bike until that day. She wanted Disney dolls which my husband and I had saved and found a good deal on ebay of all 12 Disney dolls for £50 which we got a few months ago , which worked out just over £4 for each doll. I wanted to cry , my eldest expected a bike at home that night and was confused why there wasn't one. We can't afford £100 on one item , especially when my eldest is 3 and understands quantity not quality! The next day while the children was getting there Christmas photos done , I overheard one of the staff say to my eldest Daisie-Mae have you been looking in those magazines for that bike you want for christmas! I just looked at my husband and started tearing up. I mean how do I explain to her that she might not get a bike. This time last year we couldn't even afford food and we was living off a food bank for over 3 months. We couldn't pay bills and our gas/electric got cut of in the middle of December . Although we are able to put food on the table every week now , we aren't in the financial situation to spend money on expensive items , just like many other families can't afford it.
I feel so stressed and my mental health has been hugely effected , I am 6 months pregnant worried how we are going to get through the Christmas period. I have even looked at taking loans out just to get us through the next couple of months , but i just feel like it is going to be a horrible circle. Once those loans are paid off , I feel like its going to be a repeat and I will have to take out another and then another. I am in two minds of what to do. I feel so sad , I have had days where I feel like I don't want to be here anymore. I feel like a useless mother not been able to provide for my children and I have another baby on the way. Most of the time I feel like my children would be better off without me.
The commercial side of Christmas starts earlier and earlier every year , it puts so much pressure and stress on parents. So many parents become mental ill this time of year due to the constant pressure. What happened to the meaning of Christmas ? FAMILY , LOVED ONES , KINDNESS. It is very easy to forget that when the commercial side of Christmas is shoved in your face from the last few weeks of summer!
My mum always taught me , that you get what you are given and you appreciate it because not everyone in the world is lucky to get things . I am finding this really difficult to teach my children , when people around them encourage them to expect things. Of course I would love to be in a situation to give my children what they would like. But I want them to understand appreciation , respect , and that not everyone is fortunate to have nice things.
Love Ava