Every individual with autism has their own daily routine to help them live their everyday life , just like a neurotypical (individual's without autism) do to. Although a neurotypical individual's routine is not as extreme as an individual with autism , it is important to help support an individual with autism's routine. Supporting an individual can help the person with autism to achieve their goals , targets and help them live a normal life as possible.

Visual Supports : Visual supports can be a very useful way to help individuals with autism , as they might find visual supports easier to understand and communicate with. It is important to consider an individual's communication preference in order to support the individual with autism . Not every individual with autism will need visual supports ,but for individuals who do may include the follow :
. Photos
. Pictures
. Symbols
. Real Objects
. Calendars

Colour Coding : Another way to help support an individual with autism's routine is colour coding , this may help the individual understand what tasks and responsibilities are compulsory to carry out and which are moderate.
For example :
Red - Urgent
Yellow - Pending
Green - No rush
This will help keep a structure and routine for the individual with autism in order for them to carry out their daily routines.

Lists : Many individuals without autism often use lists to remind themselves of things they need to do. This also can help individuals with autism to help organise and prioritise things they need to do. Lists can be written or they can be visual by using pictures or symbols. Individuals with autism need structure and creating lists can help provide reassurance for them to see their achievements.
For example :

Electrical Equipment : Computers and mobile phones may be a useful way to help support an individual with autism as you can store information and set reminders on electrical equipment.
For example :
- Storing important information such as dates and times for social events , meetings , appointments and special occasions.
- Setting reminders relating to paying bills ( adults with autism )
- Texting an individual with a reminder to do something.
Task boxes , envelopes and files : Work and tasks can be sorted into set places such as task boxes , envelopes and files to help make sure the individual with autism does not misplace important information such as bills , letters and appointment cards and reminders.
Social stories and comic strip conversations : For individuals with autism who struggle with verbal communication may find social stories and comic strip conversations easier to understand and can help their daily routine.
Teaching materials for time and sequence : Teaching materials can include things such as sequence cards , games , timers and clocks can be used to help support an individual with autism daily routine. This can help the individual understand concept of time and schedules. Teaching materials can be used for a variety of different scenarios and tasks.
For example :
- Completing everyday tasks around the home environment.
- Helping complete tasks in a working environment.
- Learning activities in education.
- Planning meetings , appointments and social events and occasions.
- To help in travelling and using transport.

Household tasks : When it comes household tasks helping to provide a schedule , calender or rota for an individual with autism can help support them to have a structured routine each day.
For example :
Monday - Do the washing , drying , ironing and put away in wardrobes.
Tuesday - Doctors appointment at 2pm , post mail at the post office and prepare tea.
Wednesday - organise bills , clean bathroom and kitchen.
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Vintage/ Pinup Fashion Blog - http://xovintagewayoflifexo.blogspot.co.uk/
Facebook - Ava Clarice Hornby
Facebook Page - https://www.facebook.com/theinnervoiceandasoulwithstrength/
Vintage/ Pinup Fashion Blog - http://xovintagewayoflifexo.blogspot.co.uk/
Love Ava
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